Cancellation and Mid-Contract Termination

Housing Contract Cancellation refers to ending the contract before it has begun (i.e. before the first date of move-in). Note: If you did not move in and did not cancel a contract before the first date of move-in, it is still considered a mid-contract termination. 

Mid-Contract Termination refers to dissolution of a contract before it’s natural expiration (I.e. between Housing Move-in and Move-out dates).

It is important to know that in both cancellations and mid-contract terminations, it is the responsibility of the contract holder to communicate directly to Housing about their cancellation or mid-contract termination plans.

Housing Cancellation Charges

When you complete the housing application, you agree to the terms and conditions of the housing contract. Once you submit the housing application, this is your housing contract. If you choose to cancel your housing contract PRIOR to being assigned a housing placement or moving in to your assigned space, you must notify the Housing and Residential Life Office by sending an email to with your full name and ID number. Once a housing contract has been submitted, it becomes subject to the following cancellation fee schedule. Please be mindful of the dates and associated charges.

Meal Plan add/drop deadlines: Fall semester August 23 and Spring Semester January 17th.

NOTE: Students who have not submitted their housing deposit with their contract are still subject to the fee schedule. In lieu of the forfeiture of deposit, the student will be charged the $175 housing deposit to their student account. ($25 is a non-refundable application fee, $150 is a damage deposit).

If you wish to cancel your housing contract AFTER you have moved in, you must fill out a Request for Termination online in the Housing Portal. Please read the Request for Termination Form carefully for more information on charges, and limitations associated with it.

Cancellation Charges

Date of Cancellation by Semester

  Fall 1 Fall 2 Spring 1 Spring 2
No Charge Prior to or on May 1 Prior to or on Aug. 1 Prior to or on Nov. 15 Prior to or on Jan. 9
Forfeit Security Deposit ($150) May 2–31 Aug. 2–31 Nov. 16–30 Jan. 9–27
Forfeit Security Deposit ($150) + $200 June 1–30 Sept. 1–16 Dec. 1–13 Jan. 28–Feb. 11
Forfeit Security Deposit ($150) + $400 July 1–31 Sept. 17–Oct. 1 Dec. 14–Jan. 1 Feb.12–March 3
Forfeit Security Deposit ($150) + $600 Aug. 1–Aug. 13 Oct. 2–Oct. 13 Jan. 2–Jan. 10 March 4–March 9
Request for Termination Fees
Apply (Choose Category B, Less than 15 days)
On or after Aug. 14 On or after Oct. 14 On or after Jan. 10 On or after March 10


Contract Termination” refers to the dissolution of a University Housing contract prior to its natural expiration. Specifically, a termination occurs any time a contract ends between its start date (date of assigned entry) and its end date. A termination is different than a cancellation. A cancellation occurs between the date of signing the contract (online housing application) and the start of the contract term (date of assigned entry).

Residents who will not return for Spring semester must vacate by the last day of the fall semester. Vacates after those dates will result in prorated Spring semester charges.

Requesting Termination of an Active Housing Contract

Current residents can submit a Request for Termination by emailing or visiting the Housing Office.

The Housing Contract is for the full academic year (Fall and Spring semesters), except for the Spring-only housing contract, which is for the Spring semester only.

Before you submit a Request for Termination, consider the following:

Note that supporting documentation for a termination request must be submitted within five days of request submission, and requests that are still without supporting documentation after 15 days will automatically be denied.

Students are asked to submit a personal statement along with supporting documentation for their request for termination. Providing this statement can ensure the student's concerns and needs are fully taken into consideration, and all alternative options can be considered over terminating the housing contract.

This may include:

  • Changing roommates.
  • Moving to a different environment (room, suite, floor).
  • Selecting a different study environment (library, hall/floor lounges, University Center, etc.).
  • Moving to a single room, if available.

  • Have you met with your Financial Aid advisor?
  • Have you explored Parent PLUS or alternative loan options?
  • Have you provided sufficient figures regarding your financial picture/situation?
  • Have you explored other financial alternatives?
    • Getting an on- and off-campus job(s).
    • Investigating the costs of off-campus expenses (heat, water, cable, refuse, internet, travel to campus, etc.).
    • Reviewing personal expenses for possible reduction.

Dining Services frequently works with students with food allergies and dietary restrictions to meet these needs while dining on-campus. Students are encouraged to contact Matthew Suellentrop, Dining Services' general manager, to discuss their needs for on-campus dining, or stop by the Dining Services Office, located on the ground floor of Maria Hall.

If you feel that pursuing a termination request is the right avenue for your situation, please contact the Housing Office at to make an appointment with a professional staff member to discuss what is occurring. These staff members will work with you regarding your situation, and provide you with information pertaining to the termination process, forms, contract termination fees and your next steps for moving forward. It is important to remember that roommate agreements are able to be facilitated by your RA, who is also a great resource for resolving roommate conflicts.

If you have already met with a professional staff member, and would like to complete a termination request, you can get a mid-contract termination form in the Housing Office or by emailing Note that submission of a Request for Mid-Contract Termination is not a guarantee that the request will be granted.

If you feel that pursuing a termination request is the right avenue for your situation, please contact the Housing Office at to make an appointment with a professional staff member to discuss the matter. These staff members will work with you regarding your situation, and provide you with information pertaining to the termination process, forms, contract termination fees and your next steps for moving forward.

If you have already met with a professional staff member, and would like to complete a termination request, apply for termination in the Housing Portal. Note that submission of a Request for Termination is not a guarantee that the request will be granted.

Approved Reasons for Requesting Termination

In certain cases, contract termination occurs for an approved reason. These reasons are differentiated into two categories: Category A and Category B. The termination fee schedule differs between Category A reasons and Category B reasons. Approved reasons for requesting termination of a housing contract are as follows:


A student graduating from Webster University must submit a request to terminate their contract for the subsequent academic term covered by the contract. Students must submit an approved petition to graduate with the request for termination. If a termination is approved, Category A charges will apply based on submission date of the request; see chart below.

Study Abroad

The Housing and Residential Life Office will confirm with the Office of Study Abroad and/or the Office of International Recruitment and Services to verify Study Abroad program commitment and program dates; additional documentation need not be submitted by the student. If the student re-enrolls in on-ground courses at the Webster Groves campus during the terms of the contract, the student is obligated to the contract for room, board and other housing fees. If a termination is approved, Category A charges will apply based on submission date of the request; see chart below.

Military Service

A student who must fulfill military service which necessitates residency away from campus must submit a copy of their military orders. If the student re-enrolls in on-ground courses during the terms of the contract, the student is obligated to the contract for room, board and other housing fees. If a termination is approved, Category A charges will apply based on submission date of the request; see chart below.


A copy of the marriage license must accompany this request (the marriage must take place during contract terms). If a termination is approved, Category A charges will apply based on submission date of the request; see chart below.


A student who must fulfill a required internship, student teaching or practicum requirement which necessitates residency away from campus or commuting at least 50 miles from campus more than 50% of the week, must provide a copy of the practicum/internship offer indicating the dates of the practicum/internship and confirming the location of the practicum/internship. If a student terminates for part of the contract period, they will be obligated for housing for the remainder of the contract period. If the student re-enrolls in on-ground courses during the terms of the contract, the student is obligated to the contract for room, board and other housing fees. If a termination is approved, Category A charges will apply based on submission date of the request; see chart below.

Medical/Psychological Health Condition

Even with medical documentation, most medical conditions DO NOT release students from the housing contract. To request termination for a medical or psychological health condition, a signed and dated statement from the student's treating physician, psychologist, therapist or psychiatrist is required and must include:

  • The student's diagnosis.
  • The treatment plan, especially as it relates to the student's housing.
  • A description of living environment factors/features necessitated by the treatment plan, and the rationale for them.

The letter must be on office letterhead and must be dated no more than one month prior to the date the termination request is submitted. Upon receipt of medical documentation, the Housing and Residential Life Office will defer to the Reeg Academic Resource Center's Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator, who will review the situation and provide a recommendation to the Housing and Residential Life Office. By submitting this documentation, the student agrees to allow any information shared with the Housing and Residential Life Office to be shared with the University ADA coordinator. If a termination is approved, Category A charges will apply based on submission date of the request; see chart below.

Financial Difficulty

Terminations for financial reasons will only be considered when the student has experienced a significant change in their financial situation since signing their contract (that is not otherwise rectified). Lack of funds and/or withdrawal from family contribution (support) is not an acceptable basis for termination of the housing contract. Financial aid is available to those who qualify. Students may still be eligible for Financial Aid even if there is no “need.” Finances for the academic year should be considered prior to enrollment to the University and signing an on-campus housing contract. Late notices or inadequate notice from the Financial Aid Office are not grounds for approved termination. Students will be encouraged to look at other campus housing options to help reduce their costs.

Supporting documentation includes documents from parents' employers, bank statements, loan information and any other financial documentation to support the reason for request, as well as the student's Financial Aid award letter (available online). Upon receipt of financial documentation, the Housing and Residential Life Office will defer to counselors in the Financial Aid Office to compare what has been submitted as documentation with the student's most recent FAFSA data, who will review the situation and provide a recommendation to the Housing and Residential Life Office. By submitting this documentation, the student agrees to allow any information shared with the Housing and Residential Life Office to be shared with the Financial Aid Office. If a termination is approved, Category A charges will apply based on submission date of the request; see chart below.

A student transferring to another university or college or withdrawing from Webster University must provide notice from Academic Advising of their transfer/withdrawal from the University. If the student re-enrolls in on-ground courses during the terms of the contract, the student is obligated to the contract for room, board and other housing fees. If a termination is approved, Category B charges will apply based on submission date of the request; see chart below.

Reasons that fall outside of the approved reasons for termination listed above are not considered to be reasons for termination of contract.

Reasons Not Considered for Termination

Living on campus is a new experience for most students and requires a certain amount of adjustment. If you have made a concerted effort to adjust to the on-campus living environment and are still unhappy, a community change, such as a room/floor change, or a roommate or suitemate change is generally an effective remedy. If you continue to be unhappy, your resident assistant and/or your community director are available to work with you on an individual basis to find a solution. This involves and requires your active participation.

The choice to commute from the student's home address within the commuting radius of campus or to live off campus for students who are not required to live on campus must be made prior to signing an on-campus housing contract.

Housing Contract Termination Fees by Category

Please be aware that approval for a termination does come with contract termination fees that are based on the amount of notice provided to the Housing Office based on academic year markers (e.g., FA1, FA2, Semester Break, etc). The fee schedule is as follows. Please see a professional staff member in the Housing and Residential Life office for an understanding of the termination process.

Category A Termination Fees

(Graduation, Study Abroad, Military Service, Marriage, Internship/Practicum, Medical/Psychological, Financial)

Category A Termination

(Graduation, Study Abroad, Military Service, Marriage, Internship/Practicum, Medical/Psychological, Financial Change)

Notice to Next Termination Date

45 or More Days' Notice

44-15 Days' Notice

Less Than 15 days Notice

Security Deposit

Refunded toward student account balance



Termination Fees 




Housing Fees

Students will be prorated for contracted period prior to contract termination. Please note that the meal plan is non- refundable after the add-drop date of the semester.

Category B Termination Fees


Category B Termination


Notice to Next Termination Date

45 or More Days' Notice

44-15 Days' Notice

Less Than 15 days Notice

Security Deposit




Termination Fees 



Billed at assigned housing rate to next termination date

Housing Fees

Please note that the meal plan is non-refundable after the add-drop date of the semester.