If you are a Webster University community member looking for teaching and learning support and resources, please visit the FDC page in Connections (requires login).


Welcome to the Faculty Development Center

The Faculty Development Center (FDC) at Webster University exists to support and promote the achievement of excellence in teaching, learning and scholarship of Webster's worldwide community of faculty. The FDC strives to support the foundations of excellence in teaching and learning by inspiring and empowering all faculty to identify opportunities that improve student learning, investigate and employ appropriate strategies and techniques, evaluate outcomes and share experiences to create environments in which all students learn. To achieve these goals the FDC:

  • Offers instructional development, design, assessment and technology consultations to maximize teaching effectiveness and student learning.
  • Provides a range of professional development opportunities for faculty to grow as educators.
  • Organizes communities of practice around common goals and timely issues.
  • Develops and distributes resources on established and emerging instructional practices.
  • Leads University academic assessment efforts.
  • Provides data, strategies and support related to student learning for informed decision-making by academic leaders.
  • Creates opportunities to share and celebrate teaching and learning successes.
Faculty Development Center Suite

FDC Suite

Faculty Development Center Suite

The FDC provides programs and services for Webster faculty around the globe. The FDC suite, located in Emerson Library, Room 420 in Webster Groves, is available to all faculty and provides them with space for working or collaborating with others. The bright, spacious suite has tables for work, general and special purpose technology stations, and couches and chairs arranged to suit individual and team work. The suite is also home to a large balcony overlooking the University quadrangle.